Monday, November 24, 2008

GN: We should strive to enhance our God-giver skills

It takes more than good intentions to make a significant difference. Our good acts must be coupled with an astute sense of accountability for our actions. Impulsive deeds can do more harm than good. In order to give better service to those in need, we should strive to enhance our God-giver skills.

GN: Our Lord urges us to keep on trying

Knowing that we have failed many times to improve our lives may be quite discouraging. Our inability to free ourselves from our favorite sins may keep us from persevering. But despite the difficulties involved, we should not quit because God never gives up on us. Our Lord urges us to keep on trying.

GN: Faithfulness to God requires the willingness to make radical choices

Faithfulness to God requires the willingness to make radical choices in our lives. As we try to grow spiritually, we discover that we have to give up some things that are dear to us in order to make room for the Lord. By letting go of our attachments, we make ourselves freer to do great things for God.

GN: Allow the Lord to take over.

We may keep on asking what the Lord wills for us when the answers are already before us. Our unwillingness to go beyond our comfort zones blinds us to our Lord's invitation. Ultimately, however, fulfilling God's plan in our lives entails letting go of all our excuses and allowing the Lord to take over.

GN: God asks us to be true givers

It's easy to do good to those who are good to us. Examining our motives may reveal that we are driven by the expectation of getting something in return. But God asks us to be true givers, to be especially generous to those who can't repay us. We are asked to favor the least, the lost, and the last.

GN: Reflecting on our death should not scare us

Reflecting on our death should not scare us. Rather, by getting in touch with our mortality, we should realize how valuable our lives are. We only live once. Today, let us examine ourselves. Are we focused on things that are really important? Or are we wasting our precious time over trivial concerns?

GN: What Counts are Our Choices as We Face our Challenges.

In today's world, being saintly is seen as an impossible ideal that is reserved for those who are sheltered and naive. However, if we look closely at the lives of saints, we discover that their struggles are very similar to ours. Saints remind us that what counts are our choices as we face our challenges.

GN: Authentic laws should facilitate our acts of service for others.

Assisting a neighbor in need may entail a lot of hassle on our part. We can conveniently cover up our unwillingness to help by citing laws. But our God shows us that abusing regulations in this manner is unacceptable. Authentic laws should facilitate, not hinder, our acts of service for others.

GN: Our Lord grants whatever is good for us

Each of us may have a list of unanswered prayers. But if we examine these items more closely, it's possible that the answers to these are already before us. Our Lord grants whatever is good for us. We must be open to the possibility that our wishes are being granted in ways that we did not expect.

GN: It is never easy to resist temptations.

It is never easy to resist temptations. While we desire to be good, our compulsions can lead us to acts that we will later regret. On our own, we are helpless. Fortunately, we don't need to face our struggles alone. Our Lord actively works with us as we strive and persevere to live exemplary lives.

GN: It is our God who chooses us to fulfill his mission

Awareness of our shortcomings can discourage us from taking in big responsibilities. Our lack of self-confidence can cripple our desire to make a significant difference in the world. Still, we must always remember that it is our God who chooses us, despite our frailties to fulfill His saving mission.

GN: The Time to Seek Change and Healing for Ourselves is Now.

Is there anything in us that we've been wanting to change for a long time? There may be issues that we've always needed to confront and address. We usually have a million and one reasons for delaying our desired personal growth. But God shows us that the time to seek change and healing for ourselves is now.

GN: Our Lord asks us to act our faith

Noble ideas can make us feel good about ourselves. We may think that merely talking about God is good enough. But at the end of the day, words can only do so much. Ultimately, what matters is how true and faithful we have been to what we proclaim. Our Lord asks us to walk our talk and to act our faith.

GN: Lord, help us to be true to ourselves

We cannot expect to reform our lives if we don't make an honest assessment of our strengths and weaknesses. Our faults will keep on recurring if we keep on blaming others. There comes a time when all our excuses have to give way to a sincere commitment to change. Lord, help us to be true to ourselves.

GN: Take the Initiative Early on to Make Up

Oftentimes, irreconcilable disagreement can be traced to petty arguments. We wouldn't be burdened by much hurt and misunderstanding if we took the initiative early on to make up with those who have offended us. Our Lord invites us to nip problems in the bud by engaging in dialogue now, not later.

GN: Our Worth Doesn't Depend on People's Approval

In a given situation, the right thing to do is not necessarily what will please everyone. Fighting for what we feel is right and true may make us quite unpopular. During such moments, we should remember that our worth doesn't depend on people's approval. What matters is our commitment to our God.

GN: Our abilities are gifts from God

If we are good at something, then there's no reason for us to be modest about it. Our abilities are gifts from God. But unlike the usual presents that we receive, our talents are not meant to be kept for personal use. We are expected to share. To whom much has been given, much will be required.

GN: We Need to be Constantly Attuned to God

Our Lord is like an unannounced visitor who drops by at the most unexpected moments. We may be moved spiritually by simple things such as the smile of a loved one or a line from a song. Such encounters entail openness. We need to be constantly attuned to God so that we can enjoy His many surprises.

GN: A Good Life is a Simple Life

Everyone wants to lead a good life. Our definition of the good life, however, is critical. If we equate it with wealth and possessions, then we become enslaved by selfish greed. The good life prescribed by the Lord is directed towards others. It is a simple life enriched by loving relationships.

Friday, November 14, 2008

GN: Utilize all of creation for God's glory

It is terribly wrong for us to shun away from the realities of the world. We are not called to completely detach ourselves from worldly affairs. Rather, we are asked to used material things according to their proper purpose. Our main task is to utilize all of creation solely for God's greater glory.

GN: There is more to life than the wages

There's dignity in work because it is a means for us to be more human. Our work should enable us to express ourselves and to positively affect our environment. It is no longer right when we neglect our health and others due to the demands of our labor. There is more to life than the wages we receives.

GN: Let us ask God to guide our conscience

We encounter criticism every day. Everyone seems to have a better idea of how we should lead our lives. Ultimately, however, we are obliged to listen only to our consciences regarding our difficult choices. Let us ask God to constantly form and guide our conscience so that we can decide correctly.

GN: Our Lord's heart is moved as we experience difficulties

Isn't it true that we ourselves are hurt whenever we witness a love one's suffering and despair? Our love moves us to be one with our beloved. In the same manner, our Lord's heart is moved by compassion as we experience difficulties. Our God desires us so much that He always intervenes in our lives.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

GN: Ill feelings will affect our bodies and spirits

We can't belittle the importance of our emotions in our daily lives. Ill feelings that pile up within us eventually affect our bodies and spirits. The Lord invites us to care for our internal lives. We should actively look for creative ways to vent the intense movement that we sense in our hearts.

GN: The peace in our hearts will guide us

In our discernment, there comes a time when we have to commit to a decision. We can't spend our entire lives waiting for external signs in the hope that these will indicate the path we should take. The peace in our hearts, along with our trust in God, should be enough to guide us along our way.

GN: Count our blessings

We may find ourselves in the middle of unfavorable circumstances that are beyond our control. During such moments, we tend to envy those who are in better situations. But wallowing in self-pity is a terrible waste of time. God asks us to count our blessings and to use these to improve our lives.

GN: How faithful are we to our promises?

Faithful commitment entails letting go. Saying 'yes' to a promise means that we have to say 'no' to other possibilities. Otherwise, we lose our focus and fail in fulfilling our side of the bargain. How faithful are we to our promises? Are we brave enough to reject distractions that we may encounter?

GN: There are no shortcuts to nurturing our relationships

Most of us seek instant results. Don't we usually choose products that allow us to save precious minutes in our daily routine? But there are some things in our lives that can't be rushed. There are no shortcuts to nurturing our relationships. In these instances, patience, not speed, is essential.

GN: Unhealthy vices stunt our spiritual growth

It is no accident that we ask for our daily bread as we ask God to forgive our sins. As human beings, our bodies and souls form an inseparable whole. When we compromise our health by abusing our bodies, we hinder not only our physical well-being. Unhealthy vices also stunt our spiritual growth.

GN: Prayer is not a waste of our time

Our fast-paced life require us to choose our priorities. It is a sad fact that spiritual concerns are set aside for activities that are seen as more productive. God asks us to give more value for the nourishment of our souls. Contrary to the popular belief, prayer is not a waste of our time.

GN: Our help may be needed by our neighbors

Schedules enable us to lead more orderly lives. But sometimes, by being too rigid with our time, we may miss many opportunities to love and to serve. Our help may be needed by our neighbors at the most unexpected and inconvenient moments. Can we be more flexible and more available for those who are in need?

There's much to explore

We are discovering more new possibilities in the universe that God has created. There's much for us to explore especially with our relationship with others and the environment. It would be such a waste of space and potential if we allow ourselves to be overly affected by our own problems.