Monday, December 22, 2008

The Child who was born on Christmas day is a fulfillment of an age-old promise. The season moves us to reflect on the fact that we can expect our God to be eternally faithful to us. It teaches us that our belief that the Lord can shed light even on the darkest moments of our lives is not foolishness.
It's not unusual for us to doubt our ability to do good especially when numerous problems block our path. It's worst when we feel that everything is going wrongly. But the story of Christmas teaches us that with God, the possibilities are endless. All that is required is our whole-hearted trust.
Amidst all the glitter of the season, we must not forget that Christmas should be a season of rejoicing, not just for ourselves, but for everyone. We are called to actively share our joy. Let us ask ourselves how we can make another person's celebration of Christ's birth more meaningful this year.
Given the Christmas rush, we may begin to wonder why we devote so much time looking for the perfect gift for our loved ones. It's a reflection of our authentic concern for those who are dear to us. After all, we give not for the sake of the gift itself, but for the concrete love that it represents.
Our priorities in life become more evident whenever we are pressed for time and resources. The things that we take for granted get easily bumped off to the fringes of our routine. As our schedules become more hectic, let us give ourselves a most valuable present by nourishing the needs of our spirit.

GN: Learn to love what has been given to us

If we examine our life history, we may discover that there are a lot of blessings that we have taken for granted. It is easy to be so preoccupied with what we can gain that we fail to appreciate what we already have. Before we yearn for more gifts, let us learn to love what has been given to us.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We may wonder why there are times when we still experience loneliness even if we're in the company of loved ones and friends. It's possible that we are actually in a monologue rather than in genuine conversations. Christmas gives us a perfect opportunity to start engaging others in authentic dialogue.
It's not our social status or title that should move us to be concerned for the welfare of others. Rather, it is our very nature as human beings that make us responsible for our neighbor. We do not become who we really are unless we actively choose to be more charitable and be less self-centered.
The gift of joy during this Advent season in embedded in our Lord's offer of intimate friendship. Our life is turned into an unbearable chore if we began to think that we alone are responsible for our existence. Being joyous in our God means that we recognize and appreciate our dependence on the Lord.
Not everyone around us share what we value. It is not for us to impose our principles forcibly on others. But this does not mean that we should readily give up what is sacred to us just to gain acceptance. Compromising what we really believe in results in a loss of identity that leaves us empty.
Understanding the Lord's message is not a grace reserved for the learned. While rigorous study gives a richer perspective of our faith, it is the learning of the heart that really matters. What is essential to receive the Good News is not a brilliant mind, but a humble heart that is open to our God.
We cannot say that we are really working for justice if our acts do not lead to the unfolding of genuine love. Correcting wrongs and establishing equality don't complete the work of justice. We're truly just if we do everything we can to help others grow into the most loving persons that they can be.
If we are not careful, we may find our days wasting our days pursuing things that are of no real value. What should preoccupy our time are those activities that result in lasting contentment. Higher values such as genuine friendship and authentic service result in a joy that enriches and stays with us.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

GN: Love others amidst there weakness

It's inevitable that we desire what's best for those we love. But if the desire to change our beloved becomes our main goal, then our love becomes conditional. In the same manner that God loves us, we're called to love others amidst their weakness and create the space for them to choose to be better.

GN: Allowing God to enter and be the center of our lives

Allowing God to enter and be the center of our lives opens us up to a multitude of unexpected possibilities. Our God constantly calls us to share in the mission of spreading the Gospel, a work that we do not do on our own. Our 'yes' to God means that we are letting Him accomplish great things in us.

GN: We are called to undergo a necessary conversion of heart.

Our Lord offers us the gift of inner peace this Christmas. It is a peace that empowers us to remain steadfast and focused amidst the challenges we face. But we can enjoy God's gift only if we strive to empty ourselves of unhealthy attachments. We are called to undergo a necessary conversion of heart.

GN: We are loved in our entirety.

It's not because of what we have or what we have done that our Lord is deeply in love with us. Everything in us that is good was freely given by our God. We are loved in our entirety. Even amidst our many faults and failures, we should never doubt that our Lord continues to care and provide for us.

GN: True loving means...

True loving does not mean that we have to fulfill all the desires of the one we love. Sometimes, saying no would be the most loving thing to do if it will lead to the growth of our beloved. The primary motive for our love should be the good of the other person, not the appreciation that we will get.

GN: Let us take some time to express our love for our families.

Authentic love for the entire world develops and is nurtured in the family. We cannot expect to be bearers of peace and goodwill to others if we don't do anything about the misunderstandings in our own homes. Before we go about our business today, let us take some time to express our love for our families.

GN: We are called to established our true identity

We can go through life comfortably without fully realizing what we ought to be. By mindlessly surrendering to meaningless routine, we rob others of the chance to benefit from our uniqueness. We are called to established our true identity by offering ourselves to the Lord as we say, "Yes, here I am!"

GN: We need other people.

Our being human is defined by the quality of our relationships. It is useless to be obsessed with achieving personal goals and ambitions if these only leads to our isolation. We need other people. A true person does not worry about not being known by others but rather worries about not knowing them.

GN: We can move others to believe

The fruit of our faith are so rich that they go beyond our personal benefit. Without knowing it, our efforts to live according to our Lord's Will may lead to conversion. If our lives show that we remain steadfast even in the face of trials, we can move others to believe that they can do the same.

GN: Let's ask for the grace of openness to seize every opportunity for growth.

There are moments when we deeply yearn for a significant renewal in our lives. It is difficult, however, to let go of our deep-seated habits. But while change may be a challenge, it is not impossible. This season of Advent, let's ask for the grace of openness to seize every opportunity for growth.

GN: Change is a necessary part of our growth

Change can be a very daunting experience. Letting go of established ways may lead to a deep sense of insecurity. But change is a necessary part of our growth as persons. We will endure if we strive to adhere to our core values while trusting that our God will help us take care of the other details.

GN: God has enriched the world with a variety of perspectives.

There can be no sincere conversation with others if we constantly seek to impose our will in every situation. Even if our opinion in well-informed, it's not the only valid viewpoint. God has enriched the world with a variety of perspectives. It is a waste if we ignore the insights offered by others.

GN: Promises made in extreme bliss are easily broken.

Promises made in extreme bliss are easily broken. The surge of emotions can force us into hasty commitments that we cannot fulfill. Whenever we are faced with major decisions, it is more prudent for us to take the time to discern. It does not hurt to consult those who are wiser before we choose.

GN: Keep the fire of hope burning

During the most trying moments, the greatest service we can give is to keep the fire of hope burning. It doesn't mean that we should falsify the reality of suffering. Rather, we can inspire others by forging forward instead of running away, driven by God's promises that all bad things come to an end.

GN: Draw out the truth in ourselves and in others

We can easily misjudge others if we focus too much on appearances. Sometimes, those who are extremely lonely can mask their suffering through big smiles and loud laughter. It is important for us to engage others in sincere dialogue. Our goal should be to draw out the truth in ourselves and in others.

GN: The emptiness of our pockets should not hinder us from giving to others.

The emptiness of our pockets should not hinder us from giving to others. Our generosity becomes more sincere when we share to the point of going beyond what is convenient for us. Rather than simply giving things that we no longer need, we can also help by offering our valuable time and presence.

GN: When we are most deserving of praise

At the end of the day, our worth as persons is not determined by our greatest achievement, nor by our most dramatic victory. It is not our medals that will satisfy us endlessly. Rather, our Lord has shown us that we are most deserving of praise whenever we willingly bend to help our opponents up.

GN: Chooe our daily pursuit

How alive are we? We may be achievers in our fields and successful in our projects, but we are not necessarily living our lives to the fullest. We should maximize the air we breathe and the food we eat by wisely choosing our daily pursuit. Unless what we do benefits others, we are not really living.

GN: Our hearts are restless until we have given our YES to God.

We may not immediately like what the Lord will for us. Oftentimes, our quest for holiness demands much sacrifice on our part. Ridicule and losses await us. What makes it worthwhile, however, is the peace of conscience that our Lord gives. Our hearts are restless until we have given our YES to God.

GN: Crying unload the burden of grief

Our frustrations may become so overwhelming that we are moved to tears. When we weep, we give our hearts the chance to unload the burden of grief. Lifting all our hurts to God in not a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it shows our willingness to be more intimate with God is eager to console us.

GN: Act promptly on the needs of our neighbors

There are situation that unquestionably demand our action. It is very tempting to spend too much time reflecting on what we should do. But the delay can be harmful in the long run. It is our responsibility to act promptly on the needs of our neighbors. We should not wait until it is too late.

GN: Others need our encouragement

It is only in the community that we can grow in our faith. We cannot hurdle on our own the difficulties inherent in leading a good life. The support given by our neighbors sustains us. Similarly, others need our encouragement. It is good for us to ask for help when we need it, and to aid those who ask.

GN: Give credit to God

In a world where self-sufficiency and autonomy are overly stressed, our dependence on God may seem out of place. But rather than going with the tide, we should strive even more to give credit to God who constantly blesses us. When we proclaim what the Lord has done for us, we move others to believe.

GN: Be constantly vigilant

We cannot control every circumstances in our lives. Joy can suddenly illuminate our darkest moments, while unexpected disasters can break the peace we enjoy. The unpredictability of our lives should move us to be constantly vigilant. We need to seek our Lord's guidance in times of poverty and plenty.

GN: Learn to ask for help when we need it

The lives that we are called to lead with the Lord may be overwhelming if we insist on doing everything by ourselves. Our growth in our faith is possible only in relationships with others. We need to be humble enough to acknowledge our limitations. We have to learn to ask for help when we need it.

GN: Our Lord talks to us in peace

The world offer a lot of contradictory choices. Amidst the confusion we may find ourselves in the dark with regards to the path that we are meant to take. We should remember that our Lord talks to us in peace. We know that we have decided correctly if our choice brings lasting peace to our hearts.

GN: Accept painful experience

Each of us has a painful experience. Any attempt to deny or sweeten the pain will not amount to anything. It's better to deal with ugly realities by accepting and confronting them once and for all. once we have a hold of what hurts us, we can then allow our Lord to take over and begin the healing process.

GN: Be aware of our blessings

We may experience moments wherein time seems to drag on without meaning. We become restless and prone to depressed moods. During such days, perhaps it would be best for us to be aware of our blessings. It's easier to find meaning in life if we view all things with a heart that is filled with gratitude.

GN: Appreciate our good works

It may be discouraging when people fail to appreciate the good things that we do. Indeed, there are jobs that seem to be thankless yet have to be done. Our Lord invites us to appreciate our good works beyond the affirmation that it brings. What is important is that we do what God expects of us.

GN: Loss of hope

One of the biggest enemies of the spirit is the loss of hope. Discouragement can push us to settle for quick fixes that are more harmful in the long run. We can do a lot for our own neighbors by sincerely affirming the good that is in them. A pat on the back for someone who is down can go a long way.

GN: Our health is a gift

We are our body. What affects us physically also affects us spiritually, and vice versa. Isn't it more difficult to focus during prayer when we are hungry or ill? Proper care for our souls means that we do not neglect our bodily health. Our health is a gift that our Lord want us to nurture and value.

GN: Flexibility is essential.

Wealth, power, and honor are resources that must be used prudently as we try our best to do God's will. We must be careful, however, that we are not confused regarding our priorities. Flexibility is essential. If our situation demands it, then we must be willing to live more simply and more humbly.