Friday, January 30, 2009

Sometimes, being too immersed in our everyday concerns can lead us to adopt a perspective that's too narrow. There's a world beyond our immediate environment, a wider context that we should always consider. It would be good for us to regularly take the time to step back and examine the bigger picture.


As follower of Christ, we're asked to lead others in carrying out God's will. But as good leaders, we shouldn't aim for the recognition of others. It is our Lord who should be the main focus. We are called to be faithful servant-leaders who are always ready to fade into the background if necessary.


Water is life - nourishing, cleansing, healing us. It is also death - drowning, choking some. At baptism, water is poured over us. We are reborn in God's love and invited to die to ourselves and selfishness. What do you need to cleanse and wash away in your life? What do you need to grow and nourish?


Under Tokyo's Jesuit Church of St. Ignatius lies a crypt where many are buried. It's a beautiful, powerful statement: the church rests on those who've come before us. We're carried on the shoulder of those who've gone ahead. Your faith has been built on and shaped by the faith of many. Who are they?


'Very early in the morning before daylight, Jesus went off to a lonely place where he prayed.' (Mk 1:35) We who find many excuses not to pray get a reminder from Jesus Himself. It's important to be quiet for a while, to talk and listen to the Father. When was the last time you really prayed?


'If you choose, you can make me clean.' (Mk 1:40) The leper's words are worth considering. Listen to them: we can hear the deep conviction, strong certainty in his voice. It's this faith that moves Jesus to say: 'I will, be clean.' When you listen to your own words, can you hear the voice of faith?


Still bothered by what happened yesterday? Sit down and relax. Gather yourself. No matter how bad yesterday was it now belongs to the past. Don't let it worry you or stop you from pursuing the many possibilities of today. Today is a gift you can unwrap and share with all. That's why it's called PRESENT.


It's funny when we say we're too busy to pray. Come to think of it, we're very busy that we need all the more to pray! We need the right focus. We need to find our bearings. You owe it to yourself and the Father to have quality time with Him.


It is natural for us to seek some form of reassurance that we are doing well. Affirmation nurtures our sense of well being. But ultimately, it is our Lord's acceptance that really counts. It's better for us to ground our self-esteem on the fact that since the start, our God loves and is pleased with us.


It is not necessary for us to travel very far in order to encounter our God. Our own lives and experiences provide the context in which our Lord reaches and calls out to us. The Lord meets us wherever we are and gently draws us closer to Him. Let us ask for the grace to respond with much generousity.


More than what we say, our actions reflect what is really in our hearts and minds. The goodness that dwells in us becomes fully realized only if we deliberately act on our noble and holy intentions. Otherwise, the great things that we can do for others will be wasted and remain as mere desires within us.


In today's world where multi-tasking is a way of life, it is easy to get distracted and lose one's focus. We may be involved in so many things that depth and quality are sacrificed. Spreading ourselves too thinly can result in wasted efforts. We're best when we strive to give quality service to others.


While we have been given so many gifts and talents, there are mant things that our abilities cannot address. Trying to solve big problems on our own is as effective as hurling a bowl of water into a burning house. We can accomplish more if we are able to collaborate harmoniously with kindred spirits.


When we actively intercede for the needs of others through prayer, it is not only the one for whom we pray who is blessed. By praying for others, we gain a wider and more meaningful perspective on life. As our focus widens beyond ourselves, the severity of our own problems becomes more manageable.


It is wrong for us to forcibly classify others into rigid categories. Even the person who is deeply addicted to a certain vice has the capacity for change. God's grace makes even the most difficult conversion possible. To give up on others is to deny our Lord's invitation to be beacons of hope.


When ever we read about our Lord in the Bible, we feel a desire to encounter God in a more intimate manner. We begin to ask where and how we can be closer to our Lord. But we don't have to look very far. Jesus constantly calls us through others and all of creations - 'Come, and you will see.' (Jn 1:39)


No matter how hard we try, we can never expect the ones we love to fulfill all our expectations. We can't use our relationships to compensate for our own frustrations. Loving isn't owning. Our love is genuine only if we are willing to give our beloved the necessary space to grow and live in freedom.


Not everything in life is clearly defined by rules and set methods. There are many instances when we have to think out of the box and explore solutions that have never been tried. What encourages us to take necessary risks is the assurance that our God stays with us in every possibility that we may choose.


Our biased can lead us to focus on the negative traits of others. We may be so overwhelmed by feelings of anger and distrust that we unfairly pounce on the mistakes of our enemies. But today, our Lord invites us to be merciful. Can we be more patient and forgiving towards those who are difficult to love.


Each of us has an infirmity that is in need of the Lord's healing. Our God desires to make us whole again after being broken by illness of the body and spirit. To receive this grace, we need to open ourselves to the Lord's presence. We must trust that it is in God that we can be completely healthy.


We cannot remain neutral in the face of every problem that we encounter. There is more to life than being in one's comfort zone. As adult, we're expected to take a stand according to our values. Our choices may make us unpopular. But as long as we follow our conscience, we have done what is right.